Gary Gygax's The Hermit
Troll Lord GamesAn Adventure From The Past
“How tiresome, these wars of the King.” With these words, or something similar, depending on who in court you listen to, Lodash the Lonely set off to the mountains in the east. He was last seen with books under arm, staff in hand, beard bound in iron, wrapped in a snug, well-worn travel cloak, and a pack with food and bed roll on his back, headed up the long trail into the snow-capped mountains.
None have seen him since.
As advisor to the King, it is not Lodash’s role or place to determine which wars are tiresome or which are necessary. His is to be on hand with good graces and better counsel.
Once each year the annual summit of sages attends the King, who this year has designs on greater lands around him. But he is wroth, for the most able of all, the sage Lodash the Lonely, has not answered the royal summons. In the past, this reclusive wise man has obeyed. The King is in a fury, for, at this most critical juncture, the ancient hermit seems to be defying the king’s summons.
Messages are sent to his various hermitages but none return. Others range out, trying to follow his trail, but they come back empty-handed. Lodash lives– that is what various practitioners of the Divinatory & Extraordinary Arts promise– but where is he?
A king’s ransom is promised to those who seek out the Hermit, find him, and bring him to the King!
Thus, the journey begins… but this road of adventure is many-forked and deadly, and where it leads will surprise even the most veteran of players.
Compatible with 5e, Castles & Crusades, or easily adapted to your favorite Old School system.
Adventure Breakdown
- Adventure Type: Overland, Dungeon, Urban
- Level: 8th-12th
- Party: 3-5 Players
- Setting: Portable to Homebrew
- Authors: Gary Gygax
- Cover Artist: Wesley Gardner
- Interior Artists: Wesley Gardner, Peter Bradley, Grzegorz Pedrycz
- Cartographer: William Edmunds
- Editors: Finley J. E. Clayton, Jeremy D. Farkas
128 page, 11 x 8.5 inch, full color, section-bound hardcover book, printed in the USA