I just got mine about a month ago, and I love it. The card stock is excellent and the artwork is captivating. There is a deeply ethereal quality in each and every card that testifies to the care that went into their creation. Absolutely stunning!
This delightful little game is a fun role-playing experience, combining the vibes of both Borges's Library of Babel and (a more lighthearted take on) Allen's Stygian Library. The format is quite space-limited, though, which can make some of the interplay between the rules a bit confusing. The included designer's commentary clarified the fuzzy corners. Particularly: the Apprentice can Research at any time, but probably not more than once per room, at the potential cost of unearthing a complication. This is intended to be a very self-directed game that doesn't rely on the mechanics to push the player one way or another, and therefore could be a great way to introduce folks to the hobby.
I haven’t played it yet, but as always Tabletop Bookshelf sent a quality item on record time. I love buying from this company and will continue on into the future.
Great price for an awesome book with minor cosmetic damage. Exactly the kind of deal I seek out.
I am loving the vibe of this-- it's so beautiful and it seems like a really versatile game. Still learning how to play fully, but excited for the game I'm prepping with friends!
Easy to pick up and learn how to play, creativity comes easily given the prompts in the book! I’d seriously recommend picking this up and giving it a shot!
At first glance I thought is this really worth it? It has this analog basic look, it's only a few pages but you can never judge a book by its cover (although the cover is pretty cool). It consists of using cards and occasionally a d6 to create a playlist and curate it with callers. The first playthrough took me about two hours, I was working hard on that playlist...then it made me want to actually do something with it.... then I read the last page and you can send it to the creator to broadcast and you can even call and leave messages for others to use.... sold. Totally worth the cost.
Wife and I played a round. She smoked me. We really enjoyed fleshing out the details of the characters/duel beforehand. High Ground made quite a fun rpg experience for how few pages there are. We even cooked up a couple of images for our characters to figure out Priority/Advanrages. I recommend it for sure. Play a game while dinners cooking.
The joy of this game is how it embraces weird, and the expansion totally understands that. Magnificent.
To the store, won’t know about the hotel until I try it. Great store. Super fast shipping. Will definitely be keeping it on my radar.
such a beautiful deck! really well made & the art is incredible — highly recommend
As soon as I described this game to my friends they said it sounded like it was made for me. I used to be a pirate radio host for a show that covered most of Austin, and this just brings back all of those memories.
Outstanding game. I am really enjoying it. Highly recommend it for anyone new to ttrpg.
Always enjoyed Paranoia, and the newest edition from Friend Computer is no different in enjoyment. Even if you never intend to play, it is a hilarious read.
This was an excellent copy with the requisite publisher overstock mark. While the game might not gain a lot of traction in the tabletop market, it has some interesting rules that can be incorporated into other systems. Being a fan of the fantasy genre it is always interesting to look at other rulesets and see how they handle different aspects of combat in different environments to resolve storylines. A good purchase at far below retail.