Sanctuary & Sentinel
Meghan CrossA Place of Great Power
Sanctuary and Sentinel tells the story of a place of great power, those charged with protecting it, and the threats that seek to take the power for themselves - played out over two GMless games - both of which can be played solo or with a group. While each game can be played as a standalone game, they can also be played together one after another to tell the extended story of your Sanctuary and its guardians.
The Sanctuary is a place of great power - power that needs to be protected and kept from falling into the hands of those who may misuse it. A group of Guardians will rise to protect it, but by the time their final fight against the Threat is over, only one will remain.
You are the lone guardian of a place of great power - known to you only as The Sanctuary. Many years you have kept vigil in this place, guarding what is kept within from any and all who come to disrupt it or steal it for themselves.
Both Sanctuary and Sentinel are GMless TTRPGs that can be played solo or collaboratively.
Sanctuary is a worldbuilding and narrative storytelling game about the Sanctuary, it's guardians, and the threat they are facing. Using a deck of cards and a d6, players will create the map of their Sanctuary before playing out the ongoing battle between the Guardians of the Sanctuary and the Threat seeking to claim the Sanctuary for themselves. When the battle is done, the Threat will have been defeated, but only one guardian will remain.
Sentinel is a journaling game about a solitary guardian and the place they are charged with keeping safe. The player will create the lone guardian and the sanctuary that they protect (or use the lone guardian and Sanctuary created in Sanctuary;) and then using a deck of cards and set of dice, they will relive the memories, face threats, and find interesting objects while time passes around them. When the time comes for the guardians watch to end, make one final roll to find out what happens to The Sanctuary when the guardian is no longer able to guard it.
54 page, 6 x 8.25 inch, full color, saddle-bound soft-cover booklet
Includes access to digital version