It Is Out There
Airborne Ham GamesA Collection of Settings for Horror Roleplaying
It Is Out There is a collection of SIX additional settings for playing The Last Hand, 8 pages each for a total of 48 pages.
Each setting has a short introduction, fiction to set the mood, a table of sample locations your survivors can travel to, and unique tables for character questions, details for It, and starting Trouble and Blinds all to tell stories unique to that setting.
Finally, they all have unique layout, design, and graphics from the public domain cobbled together by Eric Faber to create spreads that immerse you in each unique setting.
Get The Last Hand: A Horror Roleplaying Game and setting supplement It Is Out There together for a special price in this exclusive bundle!
In addition to Eric's writing, the settings contained within It Is Out There are written by several other contributors. Here's a quick peek at what you'll see:
Eric Faber (he/him), the designer of The Last Hand, goes to space in The Steel Aurora: A space vessel on the long journey to a settlement on Jupiter's frozen moon Europa is panicked when cryo-pods mysteriously open early and passengers go missing. What stalks the halls of this doomed expedition in the void of space?
Alex Faber (she/her) is an artist, cartographer, historian, and author, as well as Eric's sister. She brings us back to a time of a doomed holy war plagued by death in Crusade on Zara: Even after the Pope forbade a siege on the city of Zara, crusaders led a swift and successful assault on their fellow Europeans. While they wait out the winter before continuing on crusade, the cursed soldiers begin suffering for their sins.
Nathaniel (he/him), a queer musician, dice goblin, LARPer and TTRPG forever-GM finds a new reason to be afraid of flying in Terminal: After a plane loses contact with air traffic control, the pilot lands at the nearest airport only for the passengers and crew to learn they are completely alone with no idea what caused the disappearance of the rest of humanity.
Declan Lowthian (they/them), game designer and games journalist, visits a classic genre of fantasy dungeon delving with a twist in The Dungeon: The creatures who dwell beneath the surface lived peacefully before they were attacked. Now, whatever It is that threatens them delves deeper into their dungeon each day on some unknown quest, killing all who get in the way.
Matthew Filipek (he/him), Eric's longtime co-designer, takes us to a Victorian estate in The Mansion of Lady Darlington: Guests at an exclusive party of the eccentric recluse Lady Darlington are threatened by the supernatural when horrors stalk the mansion's halls, their host nowhere to be seen. Was she the evening's first victim, or the mastermind behind this nightmarish event?
Eric Andrews (he/him), environmentalist, writer, rock climber, gamer, and occasional bird watcher. Despite a long career of working in the outdoors, he still has a healthy fear of nature's wrath because The Lake Does Not Give Up Her Dead: When the Great Crash came, some thought it was the end of days. Two years later, in the midst of the Great Depression, something cold and malevolent is lurking on the shores of a Great Lake that has already claimed countless lives and yearns for more.
48 page, 5.5 x 8.5 inch, full-color, saddle-bound gloss zine
Includes access to digital versions and The Last Hand quick start rules